Faster, Further, Safer ...
Paradigm Shift: Hexplane Tomahawk
The armed aerial scout version of Hexplane (Tomahawk or HAAS) could be to this century what the helicopter contributed to the last century of air warfare. There is no longer any reason for any service to continue to fund the legacy VTOL concepts that have existed for many years, including compound rotorcraft and the twin tilt-rotor.
The Hexplane discovery was formally presented at the January AIAA convention in Dallas Texas. AIAA paper 2013-1089 explains the physics-based benefits of this concept. Higher speeds and longer ranges than any existing or anticipated VTOL aircraft are predicted. Hexplane is also expected to be far quieter, more fuel efficient, have a much reduced logistics footprint, and a lower systems life cycle cost than twin tilt rotors, since it can service three times the area and is smaller than competitive concepts.
The concept combines the disk loading of the twin tilt rotor with the high speed propulsive performance of efficient turboprop aircraft. This combination does not require complicated and heavy cross-shafting systems which do nothing in case of a rotor or gearbox failure. Hexplane can be designed to survive the complete destruction of any propulsion assembly, including the wing its mounted on, and bring the crew home safely, including a full gross weight landing, something no other VTOL aircraft can claim.

Speeds to 390 kts
Ranges beyond 1,000nm
Operates above the weather
Sea level cabin to 25,000 feet
Finish the mission after failure
Downrope from sidedoors without material downwash
Full gross VTOL following propulsion failure
Lower system life cycle costs
Greatest specific range
Highly scalable design
Standing headroom
High altitude HOGE capable
9,000 fpm SSL climb rates
Service ceiling above 35,000feet
Far quieter than competitors
Hoist from side doors without downwash concerns
Meets 6K/95 requirements
Smaller logistics trail
Less vibration
Uses less fuel
Higher availability
Hexplane possesses many excellent locations for stores mounting and is smaller than competitive concepts
"Hexplane," "Hexplane Corp" and "Hexplane Tomahawk" are trade marks of Hexplane Corp.
Tilt prop technology is well understood, as are highly dynamic computer flight control systems. This is a low risk engineering task. Why consider anything else?