Faster, Further, Safer ...
Introducing the faster and greater range JFTL VTOL, The Hexplane Super Heavy Lift (HSHL) A400M Class airframe!
Early analyses and flight simulations have shown that the Hexplane JFTL can carry its payload at 400mph at 25,000 feet. Hexplane accomplishes this physics based performance by distributing its propulsion over six smaller diameter and higher cruise efficient propellers rather than two or four larger drag helicopter like rotors. 
The Hexplane JFTL is significantly smaller than the Conventional Tilt Rotor (CTR) or Quad Tilt Rotor (QTR) concept since the Hexplane JFTL uses much smaller diameter propellers.
Hexplane dispenses with the heavy (payload robbing), complex, and costly cross coupled driveshaft and gearbox systems of the CTR and QTR, which does nothing to provide for the loss of a rotor or gearbox system. The CTR and QTR may be lost in these instances.
Hexplane's completely independent six propulsion unit VTOL aircraft can continue safe vertical flight following the complete loss of any propulsion unit, a capability other VTOL aircraft can not claim!
"Hexplane", and "Hexplane Corp" are trade marks of Hexplane Corp.
The Hexplane Joint Future Theater Lift (JFTL) concept is sized to carry the Stryker vehicle with an interior cargo capacity similar to the A 400M.
Hexplane's JFTL has been analyzed to have a significant physics based speed and range advantage as compared to the CTR and QTR concept.
Watch the Hexplane
Heavy Lift Video!